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Browsing Category: Fluke 9010A Displaying 1-9 of 9 Found.
Fluke A7 Logic probe bare pcb for 9010a
Fluke A7 Logic probe bare pcb for 9010a

Fluke A7 Logic probe bare pcb for 9010a - Reproduction
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Related Products:
Fluke 9010a 6502/6800 pod bare pcb set gold plated (set of 2 boards)
Fluke 9010a pod input / output protection module 3k/100R
Fluke 9010a Z80 pod bare pcb set gold plated (set of 2 boards)
    Sku: JM_FLK34 Browse Category: Fluke 9010A
Fluke 9010a 6502/6800 pod bare pcb set gold plated (set of 2 boards)
Fluke 9010a 6502/6800 pod bare pcb set gold plated (set of 2 boards)

Fluke 9010a 6502/6800 pod bare pcb set

These are a pair of reproduction (not replica) boards for building a 6502 or 6800 pod.

They have been designed to closely match the original Fluke design although due to component availability limitations some changes have been made.
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Related Products:
Fluke 9010a Z80 pod bare pcb set gold plated (set of 2 boards)
    Sku: JM-FL Browse Category: Vintage Electronics
Fluke 9010a pod input / output protection module 3k/100R
Fluke 9010a pod input / output protection module 3k/100R

Fluke 9010a pod input / output protection module.

This module is a pin compatible drop in replacement for the Fluke 9010a protection modules used in the 9010a pods.
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Related Products:
Fluke 9010a 6502/6800 pod bare pcb set gold plated (set of 2 boards)
Fluke 9010a Z80 pod bare pcb set gold plated (set of 2 boards)
    Sku: JM-FL2 Browse Category: Vintage Electronics
Fluke 9010a pod input / output protection module 700R/100R
Fluke 9010a pod input / output protection module 700R/100R

Fluke 9010a pod input / output protection module.

This module is a pin compatible drop in replacement for the Fluke 9010a protection modules used in the 9010a pods.
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    Sku: JM-FL4 Browse Category: Vintage Electronics
Fluke 9010a Z80 pod bare pcb set gold plated (set of 2 boards)
Fluke 9010a Z80 pod bare pcb set gold plated (set of 2 boards)

Fluke 9010a Z80 pod bare pcb set

These are a pair of reproduction (not replica) boards for building a Z80(AA) pod.

They have been designed to closely match the original Fluke design although due to component availability limitations some changes have been made.
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Related Products:
Fluke 9010a 6502/6800 pod bare pcb set gold plated (set of 2 boards)
    Sku: JM-FL3 Browse Category: Vintage Electronics
Memory Accessory kit for Fluke 9010A
Memory Accessory kit for Fluke 9010A

Memory Accessory kit - Bare board, PIC, Mount, Cable for Fluke 9010A by JMPrecision
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    Sku: JMFLCS001 Browse Category: Memory Accessory 9010A
Memory Accessory Bare board and PIC for Fluke 9010A
Memory Accessory Bare board and PIC for Fluke 9010A

Memory Accessory Bare board and PIC for Fluke 9010A by JMPrecision
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    Sku: JMFLCS002 Browse Category: Memory Accessory 9010A
1Mbit Memory Card for Fluke 9010A Memory Accessory
1Mbit Memory Card for Fluke 9010A Memory Accessory

1Mbit Memory Card for Fluke 9010A Memory Accessory by JMPrecision
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    Sku: JMFLCSM001 Browse Category: Memory Accessory 9010A
Fluke 9010A 6809/E Repro Pod board set
Fluke 9010A 6809/E Repro Pod board set

Fluke 9010A 6809/E Repro Pod board set

This is a reproduction set of bare boards for a Fluke 9010A pod for the 6809 processor.
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    Sku: JMFL-9010 6809 Browse Category: Fluke 9010A
Displaying 1-9 of 9 Matches Found.